Parents must be registered parishioners and attend Mass regularly at St. Frances Cabrini or St. Rose of Lima for at least six months.
Required Documents
Complete a baptism registration form
Provide a copy of child’s birth certificate
Proof of attendance to a baptism preparation class
Godparents: The chosen godparent(s) will be role models to your child on how to live his or her Catholic faith. Please select based on the following requirements that must be met by all Godparents:
Must be at least 18 years old and a practicing Catholic who is able to able to submit a Letter of Good Standing from their home parish. A practicing Catholic implies they attend Sunday Mass and receive the Sacrament of Eucharist and Reconciliation regularly.
Must be fully initiated into the Catholic Church and submit a copy of a recent Baptism Certificate with notations.
If married, the godparent’s marriage must be recognized by the Catholic Church and submit a copy of the Sacrament. If they are married civilly or outside of the Catholic Church, then they are noteligible to serve as a godparent until the marriage is recognized. (If unmarried, the godparent may not be cohabitating.)
Proof of attendance to a baptism preparation class
Additional information:
Parents cannot be godparents to their own child; however, the child’s GRANDPARENTS are eligible (if they meet the requirements mentioned above).
A Baptized Non-Catholic, may serve as a Christian Witness only when accompanied by a Catholic godparent who has met the requirements. One must be a female and the other a male.
Documents required and Baptismal Preparation class must be turned into the office at least 3 months before the desired date.
English baptisms will be scheduled for Sunday during Mass.
Spanish baptisms will be scheduled for Sunday during Mass.
**No Baptisms during Advent or Lent. **
Requisitos para Bautismo
Los padres tienen que ser miembros activos de St. Frances Cabrini o de Sta. Rosa de Lima por lo menos 6 meses.
Documentos Requeridos
Llenar la registración para bautizar
Copia del Certificado de Nacimiento del niño(a)
Entregar comprobante de asistencia a platicas bautismales
Padrinos: Los padrinos elegidos serán modelos a seguir para su hijo(a) sobre cómo vivir su fe católica. Seleccione según los siguientes requisitos que deben cumplir todos los padrinos:
Tener por lo menos 18 anos de edad y ser un católico(a) practicante. Un católico practicante significa que asiste a misa cada domingo y recibe la Eucaristía y Reconciliación regularmente.
Debe de traer uan copia reciente de su acta de bautizo con a notaciones.
Si son casados, el matrimonio de los padrinos debe ser reconocido por la Iglesia Católica y entregar una copia del certificado por la iglesia. Si ellos son están casados al civil o fuera de la Iglesia Católica No podrán servir como padrinos de su hijo(a) hasta que el matrimonia sea reconocido por la iglesia. (Si el padrino(madrina) es soltero(a) no debe de estar cohabitando.
Entregar comprobante de platicas bautismales
Información adicional:
Los padres No pueden ser padrinos de su propio hijo(a), sin embargo, los ABUELOS si pueden mientras cumplan con los requisitos previamente mencionados.
Los documentos requeridos deberán ser entregados en la oficina por lo menos 3 meses de la fecha deseada.
Los bautizos son los domingos durante la misa (excepto durante la cuaresma y adviento)